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Airport Wildlife Hazard Management Programs

Airport Bird / Wildlife Hazard Management Programs


Phoenix Bird Control Services Ltd. specialise in the provision of fully comprehensive Bird Control / Wildlife Hazard Management Programs to military and civil aviation clients. Our programs are customised to each individual Airport environment following an in depth Airport survey and consultation, in order to provide efficient and cost effective programs that enhance bird strike prevention and ensure safety of flight. 


Program options include:

  • Initial and ongoing surveys and wildlife hazard assessment

  • Bird Strike Risk Assessment

  • Fully Qualified Wildlife Biologists

  • Experienced and Qualifed Wildlife Technicians

  • Full range of Active Bird/Wildlife Management equipment and techniques

  • Expert guidance on Passive controls and Airport Habitat Management

  • ICAO 13km surveys

  • FAA Wildlife Hazard Assessments

  • Bird Strike Remains Identification

  • Bird Strike and Air Accident Investigation


Employing Phoenix Bird Control Services' expert wildlife control specialists to implement your wildlife hazard management program ensures that other personnel (Airport Operations, Fire department staff etc.) are free to concentrate on their primary roles and is often a more cost effective option than running an in house wildlife control team.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you to make your Airport a safer place to fly.


Registered Company Number 07992189

VAT Registration Number GB740 7849 13

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